It is also possible to run Batcher without the interactive dialog, e.g. for automation purposes.

The plug-in-batch-convert procedure allows running Batch Convert non-interactively, using the supplied UTF-8-encoded file (the inputs parameter) containing files and folders on each line, plus other export parameters such as the output folder or file extension. If run-mode is Gimp.RunMode.WITH_LAST_VALS, all these parameters (including inputs) will be ignored and instead the settings last used interactively (in the main dialog) will be considered.

The plug-in-batch-export-layers procedure exports layers with the specified or the last used settings, depending on the value of the run-mode parameter. Likewise, plug-in-batch-edit-layers runs batch editing layers with the specified/last used settings.

Example using plug-in-batch-convert in Python (e.g. the Python console in GIMP):

procedure = Gimp.get_pdb().lookup_procedure('plug-in-batch-convert')
config = procedure.create_config()
config.set_property('inputs', Gio.file_new_for_path('/home/username/Pictures/list_of_images.txt'))
config.set_property('file-extension', 'png')
config.set_property('output-directory', Gio.file_new_for_path('/home/username/Pictures/Output'))

result =
success = result.index(0)

You can also run plug-in-batch-convert, plug-in-batch-export-layers or plug-in-batch-edit-layers with settings imported from a file by specifying the settings-file parameter. In that case, the run-mode must be Gimp.RunMode.NONINTERACTIVE and all other procedure arguments will be ignored (since these arguments will be assigned values from the settings file). The exception is the inputs parameter for plug-in-batch-convert, which will always be considered and the saved input images in the settings file will be ignored.

The plug-in-batch-export-layers-quick and plug-in-batch-edit-layers-quick procedures perform layer export/editing with always the last used settings. The plug-in-batch-export-selected-layers and plug-in-batch-edit-selecetged-layers procedures perform export/editing of selected layers with always the last used settings.